Nathaniel "Nat" French

Courtesy of Western Regional Archives






1933 - 1936



Boston, MA



Westport Point, MA

Nathaniel was a student from fall of 1933 to spring of 1936. Before BMC, he was a student at Rollins College. While a student, he served as a student officer. He left the school in June 1936 with honorable dismissal then approached faculty in January 1941 to take his Senior exam, the faculty approved his request in February and Nat returned to BMC Thanksgiving 1941 to take a series of 7 exams. He graduated on November 24, 1941.


Brother: Fellow BMC student, John RP French, Jr.

Wife: Fellow BMC student, Ruth Barton

Courses Taken/ Taught

Fall 1933-1934: Psychological Testing with Hinkley, History (Greek) with Boyden

Winter 1933-1934: Psychology of Personality with Hinkley, Greek History with Boyden, audited Rousseau with Keith and Social Reconstruction no professor listed

Spring 1933-1934: Greek History and Humanism with Boyden and Rice, Werklehre with Albers

Fall 1934-1935: American History with King, Modern European History with King, Economic Seminar with Ostergaard, School Work with Mrs. Ostergaard, Dramatics with Loram

Winter 1934-1935: Modern European History with King, American History with King, Work at the Cottage School with Ostergaard.

Spring 1934-1935: American History with King, Modern European History with King, Writing with Wunsch, Work in the Cottage School with Ostergaard.

Fall 1935-1936: American Literature with King, History Tutorial withKing, History of New World Civilization (Audit) with Portell-Villa, Teaching in School with Mrs. Knickerbocker [and J.S. Ostergaard]

Spring 1935-1936: American History tutorial with King-work incomplete due to illness

Transcript details the following for his work in the local schools: “During the year 1934-1935 and the Fall Semester of 1935-193[6], Mr. French taught the following subjects and assisted in the supervision of the children in a small elementary school operated by BlackMountain College in conjunction with the Black Mountain Public School system: History-fourth and fifth grades, Shop Work-kindergarten through sixth grade"

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