William "Willie" Joseph

Photograph included with student application. Courtesy of Western Regional Archives

Courtesy of Western Regional Archives


Art/ Design/ Craft




1941 - 1951



Cincinnati, OH



Annville, PA

William Joseph was a student from 1941 to 1951. He served in Army Air Force during WWII. Before BMC, he attended Attended University School of Cincinnati ,1924-1936, Dartmouth College 1936-1937, Attended Harvard University- College, 1937-1940- B.A., and Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 1940-1941.


Wife: Fellow BMC Student, Wilma Fuerstenberg

Courses Taken

Fall 1941: Drawing with Albers, Architecture with Kocher, Werklehre with Albers [looks like he was only able to stay a few weeks before going back to Harvard]

Summer Art Institute 1945: Weaving with Anni Albers, Painting with L. Feininger, Color and Design with Josef Albers, and Sculpture with Zadkine

Fall 1945-1946: Weaving with Anni Albers, Drawing and Painting with Josef Albers, and Woodworking with Molly Gregory

Winter 1945-1946: Weaving with Anni Albers, Drawing, Painting, and Design with Josef Albers

Spring 1945-1946: Weaving with Anni Albers, Drawing, Painting, and Design with Josef Albers, Work Program

Summer Art Institute 1946: Color with Josef Albers and Weaving with Anni Albers.

Fall 1946-1947: Weaving I and Weaving II with Franziska Mayer

Spring 1946-1947: Weaving I and II with Guermonprez and Mayer,Drawing with Ilya Bolotowsky, Farming with Ray Trayer

Fall 1947-1948: Weaving with Trudi Guermonprez, and Drawing with Bolotowsky

Spring 1947-1948: Design with Josef Albers, Weaving with Anni Albers and Trudi Guermonprez

Summer Art Institute 1948: Color with J. Albers, Architecture and Industrial Engineering with Buckminster Fuller

1948-1949: General Chemistry, Elementary Physics with Natasha Goldowski

Spring 1948-1949: Organic Chemistry, Elementary Mathematics with N. Goldowski

Summer Session 1949: Introduction to Mathematics with Scholtz, Calculus with Scholtz, Physics-Classical and Modern with Nathan Rosen.

Fall 1949-1950: Advanced Physics with Goldowski, Intro to Math with Dehn, Geometry for Artists with Dehn, Calculus with Dehn

Spring 1949-1950: Calculus with Dehn, Geometry for Artists with Dehn

Fall 1950-1951: Geometry with Dehn, Work Program

Spring 1950-1951: Geometry with Dehn, Calculus with Dehn

Transcript request from North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering of the University of North Carolina, Raleigh November 1949- Joseph wanted to enter their School of Textiles January 1950.

Photograph of author


Heather South

Heather is Lead Archivist of the Western Regional Archives, Department of Cultural Resources, State of North Carolina.

Heather has a BA and MA in history from Winthrop University and is a member of the Academy of Certified Archivists. South has nearly 20 years’ experience in preservation and archives including reference services, conservation services, exhibit design, marketing and grant management. From 2006 until November 2011, she worked as the Preservation Officer for the SC State Archives

The Western Regional Archives (WRA) collects, preserves, and makes available for public use historical and evidential materials relating to western North Carolina. Their collection of Black Mountain College related materials is an invaluable resource for BMC researchers.

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