Susan Weil

Susan Weil with Soft Landscape. Photograph shared in exhibition by Sundaram Tagore Gallery. Photographer unknown.


Art/ Design/ Craft




1948 - 1951



New York, NY

Weil was a student at Black Mountain College for the 1948–1949 academic year and faculty wife to Robert Rauschenberg in the 1951 summer. At the Académie Julian in Paris in 1948, she met art student Rauschenberg, who subsequently applied to the college. Both studied with Josef Albers, whose exercises in design and color exerted a strong influence.

In New York City Weil introduced Rauschenberg to blueprint paper as a medium, and together they transformed Weil’s childhood exploration of blueprints into life-sized “blueprint paintings.” Later collaborating with artist Betancourt, Weil revisited the blueprint medium.

In her art, through reconfiguration of the single image, Weil challenges the singularity of meaning and of visual perception. In Leaf Hands the artists merge two compelling images, the trunk of the tree and the human hand (here belonging to Betancourt’s wife), each with a multiplicity of symbolic interpretations.


Black Mountain College Project

Mary Emma Harris interviewed Susan in 2000 and the transcript is available from Appalachian State University under The Mary Emma Harris and Black Mountain College Project, Inc. Oral History collection.

Topics: Visit to college – Dalton School – selection of BMC – Acadèmie Julian – BMC classes in general – dance with Betty Jennerjahn – intensive discussions in dining hall – Charlotte Schlesinger – sense of community – Josef Albers drawing class – Albers conflicts with Robert Rauschenberg – Delores Fullman as model – art supplies – Josef Albers color class – Charles Olson – segregation in local area – Delores Fullman’s family – BMC reputation in Asheville area – African-American church with Rauschenberg – French with Anna Goldowski – Uli Rufer and college - conflicts – work program – student study and dormitory – Anni Albers – family background – blueprints with Rauschenberg – blueprints as child – return to BMC in summer of 1951 as wife and mother –Aaron Siskind photographs of Christopher Rauschenberg – Rauschenberg photos at BMC – Ray Johnson – Ruth Asawa – Inga Svarc Lauterstein – Peter Heineman – BMC influence on her art – fire injuries as child – marriage to Bernie Kirschenbaum – later professional work

Courses Taken

Fall 1948-1949: Painting with Albers, Drawing with Albers, Chorus withSchlesinger, and Dance with B. Jennerjahn.

Spring 1948-1949: Drawing with Albers, Color with Albers, Dance with Jennerjahn (dropped), Painting with Albers, Chorus with Schlesinger, and Elements ofMovement with Jennerjahn (dropped)

Susan Weil and Robert Rauschenberg
Photograph of author


Mary Emma Harris

Mary Harris has long been regarded as one of the most prominent scholars on Black Mountain College. Her book, "The Arts at Black Mountain College" (1987), is one of the most influential publications on the history of BMC.

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