Richard "Dick" Roberts

Courtesy of Western Regional Archives


General Studies




1947 - 1947

Richard Roberts was a student and listed as staff in 1947. While at the college, he worked on printing and distributing the college bulletins.

Asheville Art Museum Collection

Writings about Richard can be seen in digitized college bulletins on Asheville Art Museum's collection website: They can be found by searching these accession numbers:

2017.40.219 1947 bulletin,

"Dave Corkran, Sr. and Dick Roberts climbed Mount Mitchell on Sunday afternoon, enjoyed a beautiful Monday, and came back in pouring rain on Tuesday- slightly wet, but happy. Ted Dreier, Jr. is here for the holidays from Putney School. Much excitement here when word came through that the Urbain-Schmitt knot had been tied and that the bride and groom would be here after the holidays. Nick Muzenic is back and with him is his charming young sister. She is getting a real taste of BMC community life. All holiday guests have been put right to work on “routine” kitchen and dining room jobs. There have been various parties on the campus- egg nog Christmas morning made by Corkran and Roberts, Inc., and served to a happy group in the Corkran living room; delicious hot wine punch Christmas afternoon at the Dreiers; buffet supper in the dining hall; a student party at Wallen’s with Ed Adamy making the spaghetti; and a couple of group parties in South Lodge."

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