Nathalie Fallon

Photograph included with student application. Courtesy of Western Regional Archives

Courtesy of Western Regional Archives


General Studies




1937 - 1938



Boston, MA

Nathalie was a student from 1937 to spring 1938.

Courses Taken

Course Cards: 1937-38 Fall: Biology Seminar–Moellenhoff, Introductory Economics–King, History of Civilization in New World–Portell ( Notes: Nath. Fallon has shown a remarkable progress in her course. She has excellent qualities to make independent research and with proper guidance, might turn out to be a first rate student. She is shy, doubts her own capabilities and finds it difficult to express her ideas in a lively discussion, but she may get over that yet.), Current World Affairs–Portell (good, attentive, interested in the subject and is studying with handicaps remarked in card for other courses with me) Dramatics 1–Wunch ( Backstage Work: Constructing and painting scenery.)

Spring: History of Civilization in the New World–Portell, Introductory Economics–King, Form in Literature–Mangold, Biology Seminar–Mollenhoff, Dramatics 2–Wunch

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