Jane Robinson Stone

Three witches in the performance of Macbeth, May 1940. Courtesy of Western Regional Archives


General Studies




1940 - 1944

Jane Robinson Stone was a student from 1940 to 1944. While a student she was active in many plays, served as a student officer, and married a fellow student.

Alternative Names: Jane Walcott Robinson


Husband: Fellow BMC student, Frederick Mason Stone

Asheville Art Museum Collection

Writings about Jane can be seen in digitized college bulletins on Asheville Art Museum's collection website: collection.ashevilleart.org. They can be found by searching these accession numbers:

2017.40.262 November 1941 bulletin,

"Robert Wunsch and four students, Leslie Paul, Jane Robinson, Thomas Brooks, and Fred Stone, made a four day trip to Atlanta and Greensboro, Georgia, late in October. While the students visited Dr Arthur Raper, southern sociologist, co-author of Sharecroppers All, and author of The Tragedy of the Negro Lynching, Mr Wunsch attended the fall meeting of the Secondary School Study of the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of Negroes, of which he is a member."

2017.40.090 January 18, 1943 bulletin,

"Jane Robinson and Fred Stone were married on Saturday, January 2nd in New York City. Jack Swackhammer acted as best man and Jane Slater was Maid of Honor. Address: Private Fred M Stone, Company M, 15th Ser Rgt, Fort Monmouth, Red Bank, New Jersey."

2017.40.136 December 6, 1943 bulletin,

"Jane Robinson Stone read, “Of Few Days”, a sonnet which she wrote soon after she had heard of Roman’s death."

Performance of "The Cherry Orchard" by Anton Chekhov, Spring 1941Jane Robinson on stage for a performance of "The Cherry Orchard" by Anton Chekhov at Black Mountain College, Spring 1941Moving the pianos to the Lake Eden campus from the Blue Ridge campusMoving the pianos to the Lake Eden campus from the Blue Ridge campusThree witches in the performance of Macbeth, May 1940
Photograph of author


Amanda Hartman

Amanda Hartman is the creator of BMC Yearbook, serving as the lead director, engineer, and researcher. She holds a MLIS in archive/ collections management, MA in art/ museum education, and BA in design. After working in museums and archives for a decade, she made the transition to tech and is now a software developer specializing in applications for museums, archives, and higher education.

Her interest in Black Mountain College began while working as a digital archivist with the Asheville Art Museum's BMC archive collection. She transcribed and digitized over 1500 documents created by the college. While working closely with these archives, she began independent research on the interracial program and Negro Week activities BMC, writing biographies of lesser known students and staff members. That research transformed into this BMC Yearbook project.

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