Jack Rice

Courtesy of Western Regional Archives


Farm/ Kitchen/ Work Program




1952 - 1953

Jack Rice worked on the farm and work program from 1952 to 1953.


Wife: BMC student, Barbara Rice

Black Mountain College Project

Mary Emma Harris interviewed Jack in 1998 and the transcript is available from Appalachian State University under The Mary Emma Harris and Black Mountain College Project, Inc. Oral History collection.

Topics: Hearing about BMC and application – Barbara Rice hearing about BMC – Edward Dahlberg class –Charles Olson physical presence and lecture – theatrical presentation based on Lorca – influence of Leo Frobenius – Olson 1948-49 seminars – Johanna Jalowetz bookbinding class – Natasha Goldowski and Weiner’s cybernetics – Bodky concerts – pre-BMC study – community atmosphere compared to UCLA – hiking and apple trees – meals and college food – BMC, local and state reputation – effect of isolation – Josef Albers and Charles Olson – Buckminster Fuller lectures – Emerson Woelffer – study at the University of New Mexico – return to Black Mountain as staff – Olson’s vision for a different Black Mountain – BMC financial problems – burning of Huss/Fiore cottage – resignation – Peter Voulkos

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