Henry Jaeger

Courtesy of Western Regional Archives






1946 - 1946



Staten Island, NY

Henry Hastings Jaeger was a student for the 1946 Music Institute. While at the college, he participated in the Prehistoric Specimen football team.

Asheville Art Museum Collection

Writings about Henry can be seen in digitized college bulletins on Asheville Art Museum's collection website: collection.ashevilleart.org. They can be found by searching these accession numbers:

2017.40.217 September 1946 bulletin,

"In addition to lectures in the evening, we had twice weekly short periods of dancing after dinner. During the summer there were constant exhibitions: paintings by Varda, Lawrence, and Albers; advertising by Burtin; sculpture by Amino; and a collection of The Container Corporation of America. During the last days there was an exhibit of students’ work. On Saturdays we had several times films from the Museum of Modern Art, and afterwards dancing. Everyone was pleased with our “band” which was composed of pianists Judd Woldin and Jimmy Tite (who also played trumpet) and Henry Jaeger, drummer. On Sunday evenings record concerts were arranged by Lore Kadden and Kendall Cox. Some of these were given on the lawn near the Round House. There were a number of parties and picnics and Wednesday afternoon community teas. On the last Saturday night there was a big Greek mythology part with Varda as the competent supervisor (conductor). A tremendous Trojan hourse on the Hansgirg lawn, opposite the dining hall entrance, announced the event several days ahead of time. A traditional BMC two-day interlude was announced to give time for preparations for the big event."

Prehistoric Specimens wage evolutionary battle against modern neurotics
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