Gisela Herwitz

Gisela Herwitz, shared on Find a Grave

Courtesy of Western Regional Archives


Social Sciences




1940 - 1943



Neisse, Germany



Peekskill, NY

At Black Mountain College, Gisela Kronenberg Herwitz took a general curriculum. She graduated in 1943 in psychology. In Chicago and Cincinnati, she worked as a research assistant in medical schools and hospitals while taking graduate courses. She later moved to Peekshill. There she reared her two daughters and was active in community activities. She was president of the PTA and on the Boards of the United Way and the Girl Scout Council. She later was Executive Director of Peekskill YWCA and worked for the Westchester County Department of Health in the office of Quality Assurance.

Biography written by Mary Emma Harris for Black Mountain College Project.

Asheville Art Museum Collection

Writings about Gisela can be seen in digitized college bulletins on Asheville Art Museum's collection website: They can be found by searching these accession numbers:

2017.40.126 October 4, 1943 bulletin,

"Gisela Kronenberg writes from Cincinnati: “I received today my call to file petition for United States Citizenship on October 5.”"

2017.40.026 January 1944 bulletin,

"Gisela Kronenberg, who was graduated from the College last Spring in psychology, is now a research assistant at the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute of Chicago."

2017.40.143 February 14, 1944 bulletin,

"Gisela Kronenberg writes from Chicago: “I intend to enter Lewis Institute in order to finish my premedical training and eventually go to the University of Illinois medical school to get my M.D. I guess the decision had to be made sooner or later, and I have made it now. It makes me very happy because medicine is the field I have always wanted to work in. Whether or not I shall specialize in psychiatry is something I cannot say right now. At this stage of the game I am interested in surgery, in internal medicine, and in neurology. The main goal I have is to become a good doctor…. Otherwise I am working steadily and regularly on the psychodrama research, a piece of work I hope to convert into a paper, and with electroencephalography: learning to take records and interpret them. In addition to that there are rounds to be made with the staffmen, or the residents-staff meetings to be attended, lectures and conferences to be visited. On Friday morning I was up in the operating room watching some neurological surgery on our patients. I was fortunate enough to watch the surgery right from the floor standing directly behind the surgeon.""

2017.40.215 April 1946 bulletin,

"From Gisela Kronenberg in Chicago: “I am still at the IMI pushing back the frontiers of Science, only sometimes it seems as though they won’t budge one iota. Every once in a while we make a small dent. One of these dents is going to be published in the not too distant future in the form of a paper by my boss, another scientist, and myself. I guess that some people consider me an up and coming young scientist or something along that line. Anyway the Society of Sigma Xi made me a full member...Recently, I saw Leslie Paul who is understudying in the ‘Late George Apley’ currently playing in Chicago. Henry Adams’ cousin, too, is in Chicago in ‘Dark of the Moon’.”"

Photograph of author


Mary Emma Harris

Mary Harris has long been regarded as one of the most prominent scholars on Black Mountain College. Her book, "The Arts at Black Mountain College" (1987), is one of the most influential publications on the history of BMC.

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