Faith Murray

Faith Murray painting door to weaving room. Courtesy of Western Regional Archives.

Faith Murray painting door to weaving room. Courtesy of Western Regional Archives.


Art/ Design/ Craft




1941 - 1942

Faith Murray was a student at the college from 1941 to 1942. White a student, Faith participated in the art and drama departments, painting and crafting costumes for plays.


Husband: Fellow BMC student, Otis Levy

Asheville Art Museum Collection

2017.40.076 1942 bulletin,

"In May, Faith Murray, of Charleston, South Carolina, completed a mural – The Weaver – on the door of the Art Room in the Student Studies Building. The mural depicts Don Page, first graduate of BMC in Textile Design, at a loom. Mr Albers says of the mural: “After thorough studies and experiments for several months, she achieved an excellent result. The mural is executed in casein painting. The technique is such that the wood of the door appears through the painting and functions not only as the panel but also furnishes color and texture. Despite the limited palette- the main colors are modulations of black and white- the painting is colorful and warm. This mural realizes- as an exceptional case- the demands of both old and new muralists case- the demands of both old and new muralists that the wall (in this case the door) be respected as a recognizable as, an essential element of the composition.”"

2017.40.150 April 1944 college bulletin,

"Rehearsals for Betty Kelley’s original three-act fairy play, “More Straw for the Scarecrow,” will begin today. The cast for the play includes Carol Ostrow, as the Mother; Patsy Lynch, as Kathie, the little girl; Egbert Swackhamer, as Katzi, the little boy; Lana Yarash, as Mother Mouse; Bill McLaughlin as Father Mouse; Betty Kelley as Grinner, the Scarecrow; Jack Gifford, as Kafur, the Groomp; Jerome Flax, as the Father; and Sue Brown, Liese Kulka, Mary Brett and Roxane Dinkowitz as the Villagers. The dances for the play will be created by Betty Kelley; and Faith Murray has designed the costumes and the scenery. “More Straw for the Scarecrow” will be produced at the Plaza Theatre in Asheville on April 29 for the Children’s Theatre of Asheville."

2017.40.196 April 2, 1945 bulletin,

"Faith Murray writes from New York City: ”I spent last fall in Charleston. Studied sculpture...and assisted my mother with her art classes at the Gibbes Art Gallery. I have been teaching art at the Hoffman School for more than a month.”"

Saturday night dinner.Faith Murray painting door to weaving room.Saturday night dance, Dining Hall, Lake Eden Campus, ca. 1945Faith Murray painting door to weaving room.Students around the Studies Building fireplace, Lake Eden campus.
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