Elizabeth "Betty" Brett

Photograph included with student application. Courtesy of Western Regional Archives

Betty Brett in the studio






1939 - 1943



Cleveland, OH




Elizabeth Brett was a student from fall of 1939 to summer of 1943.

She was active in plays, ran the print shop, and focused on history coursework while a student. She had a focus on modern European history. Jacques Barzun, Associate Professor of History from Columbia University granted recommendation for graduation. Her student file shows that she applied for graduate schools after leaving BMC to continue study in history.


Husband: Fellow BMC student, Wilfrid Hamlin

Sister: Fellow BMC student, Mary Brett

Courses Taken

Fall Semester 1939-1940: Introductory German (G.Straus), Werklehre (Albers), Introductory Writing (Wunsch), Piano Lessons (Mrs. Jalowetz), Philosophical Classics (Straus), Drawing I (Albers)

Spring Semester 1939-1940: Introductory German (G. Straus), Chorus (Jalowetz), Introductory Writing (Wunsch), Modern Russia (W.C. Barnes), Drawing I (Albers), Piano Lessons (Mrs. Jalowetz), Play Production III (Wunsch)

Fall Semester 1940-1941: Introduction to Economic Thinking (Gothe), Psychology of the Human World (E. Straus), General Psychics (Rosen), Criticism & Writing (Mangold), Piano Lessons (Nelson), Chorus (Jalowetz)

Spring Semester 1940-1941: General Physics (Rosen), Psychology of the Human World (Straus), Composition and Semantics (Mangold), Social Psychology (French), Piano Lessons (Nelson), First Aid (Straus)

Fall Semester 1941-1942: Anthropology (Radin), American Life and Letters (Babcock and Kurtz), American History (Boyden), Psychology of the Human World (Straus), Music II (Evarts), Chorus (Jalowetz), Piano Lessons--dropped (Nelson), (WritingSeminar)

Spring Semester 1941-1942: American History (Boyden), Economics Tutorial (Boyden), American Life and Letters (Kurtz and Babcock), Plastic Workshop (Gregory)

Winter Quarter 1942-1943: Europe 1600-1800 (Bentley), Current Affairs (Bentley), Operas of Mozart (Jalowetz), Community Work (Wood)

Spring Quarter 1942-1943: The Twentieth Century (Bentley), The Nineteenth Century (Bentley), Operas of Mozart (Jalowetz), Tutorial (history) (Bentley), Community Work (Wood)

Summer 1943: Tutorial Modern European History (Bentley), Tutorial 19th Century(Bentley), Drama Since Ibsen (Bentley)

Josef Albers' drawing class, ca. 1939-1940. Three witches in the performance of Macbeth, May 1940Josef Albers's Drawing Class, circa 1939-40.
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