Edward "Dick" Wyke

Courtesy of Western Regional Archives


General Studies




1941 - 1942

Edward Wyke was a student from 1941 to 1942.

Asheville Art Museum Collection

AAM holds personal letters from Dick to Jane Slater Marquis. These letters can be found at collection.ashevilleart.org by searching "wyke"

2017.40.100 April 6, 1943 bulletin, "Dick Wyke is a draftsman with a company in Missouri designing air fields. Dick returned to BMC for a visit in February and the architectural department exhibited some of his drawings in March."

2017.40.119 August 16, 1943 bulletin, "Dick Wyke writes from Miami: “I’m joining he Air Corps as soon as I get the necessary recommendations. I have already qualified physically and mentally.”"

Lawrence Kocher with architecture students, ca. 1941-1942
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