Charles Boyce

Photograph included with student application. Courtesy of Western Regional Archives

Courtesy of Western Regional Archives


Social Sciences




1946 - 1947



Buffalo, NY



Charles Boyce graduated from the University of Indiana just before entering BMC in the fall of 1946. While a student, he was active in the Economics Club, was part of the football team, then known as the Prehistoric Specimen, and participated in an acapella group. He communicated to the college that he was interested in studying economics and left attendance to BMC dependent on their ability to teach the subject. Upon leaving the college, he shared in a college bulletin that he was married to a Barbara Stadthaus and would attend Syracuse University School of City Planning.

He did go on to get a Master's degree of City Planning, Harvard Graduate School of Design in l956. He then worked as an Urban Renewal Consultant to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a planner with organizations in New York, and a United Nations Expert in Urban Planning, according to Mary Emma Harris' interview with Charles in 1996.

Black Mountain College Project

Mary Emma Harris interviewed Charles in 1996 and the transcript is available from Appalachian State University under The Mary Emma Harris and Black Mountain College Project, Inc. Oral History collection.

Topics: Hearing about BMC – family background in Indiana – Karl Niebyl (faculty) – John Wallen (faculty) – Bill Levi (faculty) – studies at Indiana University – senior division exam – Ilya Bolotowsky and Josef Albers– Josef Albers – work program – sports at BMC – BMC and local area – Freedom Riders – chorus and Edward Lowinsky – Portland community – Arthur Penn (student) – Kenneth Noland (student) – student study – Catlin Gable school – studies for city planning at Syracuse and Harvard

Courses Taken

Fall term 1946-1947: American Civilization (Corkran), Foreign Policy of the United States (Corkran), Historical Economic Analysis (Niebyl), Psychology of Social Issues (Wallen)

Spring term 1946-1947: Historical Economics (Niebyl), Drawing (Bolotowsky), American Civilization (Corkran), Introductory German (Mayer), A Capella (Lowinsky)

Fall term 1947-1948: American Government (Corkran), Intermediate German (Rice), Individual and Society (Levi), Introductory Economics (Howard)

Spring term 1948: German II (Rice), Labor Relations (Howard), Economic Theory and Problems (Howard)

Prehistoric Specimens wage evolutionary battle against modern neurotics
Photograph of author


Amanda Hartman

Amanda Hartman is the creator of BMC Yearbook, serving as the lead director, engineer, and researcher. She holds a MLIS in archive/ collections management, MA in art/ museum education, and BA in design. After working in museums and archives for a decade, she made the transition to tech and is now a software developer specializing in applications for museums, archives, and higher education.

Her interest in Black Mountain College began while working as a digital archivist with the Asheville Art Museum's BMC archive collection. She transcribed and digitized over 1500 documents created by the college. While working closely with these archives, she began independent research on the interracial program and Negro Week activities BMC, writing biographies of lesser known students and staff members. That research transformed into this BMC Yearbook project.

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