Bernice Bernstein

Photograph included with student application. Courtesy of Western Regional Archives

Francis Foster, Nancy Dunn, Lenny Schwartz, Bernice Bernstein, Ike Nakata on dock at Lake Eden. Courtesy of Western Regional Archives.


Social Sciences




1945 - 1947



New York, NY

Bernice Bernstein attended the college from the fall of 1945 to February of 1947. While a student at the college, Bernice took courses in economics, psychology, music, and literature and attended student run club, Modern Dance group.

Courses Taken

Fall 1945-46: Introductory Chemistry (Hansgirg), Fundamentals ofMusic (Lowinsky), the Modern Novel (Merrick), Economic Practice and Theory(Schwarz)

Winter 1945-46: The Modern Novel (Merrick), Pedagogical Psychology (Wallen), Contemporary Society (Levi), Harmony (Jalowetz), Chorus (Jalowetz)

Spring 1945-46: Modern Novel (Merrick), Contemporary Society (Levi), FieldWork in Social Studies (Wallen), Political Science-Tutorial (Levi), Chorus (Lowinsky)

Fall 1946-47: International Economics (Neibyl), Foreign Policyof the U.S. (Corkran), Psychology of Social Issues (Wallen), Drawing (Bolotowsky), Chorus(Schlesinger)

Swimming day.
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